
October 21-23, 2024



Three-day leadership
and management intensive


Toronto, Canada


October 21-23, 2024
9am-4pm daily


Your team is waiting on you.


Sure, they nod along during the team meeting and say “all good!” when you ask if they have questions. But then the projects you get back look…not at all like what you expected. And you can get them on track but it's way faster to do it yourself. Which you know is the wrong instinct. But your inbox is full. Slack is overflowing. And you're already late for your next meeting.

Betterboss is three days to take a deep breath. To get out of your head. And to make it make sense. Because if you don't have your own clarity, there's no way you can give it to your team. This isn't an MBA or a theoretical lecture or some terrible role-playing thing. It's a transformative leadership intensive with world-class facilitation. So you can unblock yourself, your team, and get moving again. 

Maybe someone once told you that you're no good at strategy. Together, we're going to prove that person wrong. You'll not only be able to articulate a clear strategy, you'll know how to operationalize it. You'll learn concrete frameworks and sustainable tools that serve you, the people you manage, and the organizations where you work. Not in three years. Not in three months. In three days. 


This is in-depth and transformative work. And it only works if you’re in it. So no, you can’t step out and take a phone call in the hallway. And you’re unlikely to be totally on top of your inbox while you’re with us. But at the end of three days, we promise, you’ll have done some real work on your skills and on yourself.


Each day builds on the day before as we go from the big picture down into the core of your management practice:

Day One

Day one is about your org as a whole. We’ll go from how to think about strategy, to setting goals that actually work, and how to get back on track when things drift.

Day Two

Day two is about your team. We’ll give you tools and practices to get them doing phenomenal, sustainable work, thriving as team members and in their careers.

Day Three

Day three is about you. Your own development as a leader, the growth that comes with effective delegation, and how you build a supportive community of practice with other bosses.


Maybe you’ve…


been through training before. Maybe your company offers some dreadful mandatory thing and when they ask you how it went, you have to say nice things. Because you know and they know that your promotion is tied to your appreciation for your organization’s failed attempts at professional development. But it didn’t actually help and you still need to develop.

Or maybe you went through actually-good, actually-useful training long ago and loved it. But it’s been a long time and the workforce has changed and it’s time to modernize your skill set.

Or maybe you haven’t been through any training. Ever. And you’re actually doing ok. Cause you like your team and they seem to like you and you can get pretty far on not being a total disaster. But you’d like to put more of the pieces together. You want more of the systems so you feel confident, not only that you’re using the right tool, but that you’re using it correctly.

We don’t need you to have had prior training. But we strongly recommend that you are actively managing. Not someday managing a team. Not one day leading an org. Active. Doing the hard work of leading or managing right now.

You already know you need a better management toolkit. Actual frameworks and systems that you can take back to your team. And the confidence that you can apply them in practice and understand how they work.

Join us.


Can’t wait to see you!

Head shot joint photo of Johnathan and Melissa Nightingale against a blue-grey background and with a neon green chevron in the foreground.

Johnathan and Melissa Nightingale are the founders of Raw Signal Group, best-selling authors, and world experts on management and leadership.



Frequently Asked Questions

Who is it for? New managers? Seasoned leaders? Execs? Founders? EDs?

Yes. We've had everyone from first time people managers to CEOs and exec directors go through the program. This is about solving many of the common pain points leaders experience at every stage. We cover strategy, goals, motivating your team, giving feedback, getting out of your own way, building sustainable management habits, and more. We’ve never met a boss (at any level) who felt like they had it all figured out.

How many people can we send?

We suggest no more than 6 people from a single company. A lot of the work that happens in Betterboss is deliberately designed to split people up and pair them with folks they don't know. When we have too many from the same org, the pairing gets a bit tricky. If you’re looking for a private program for just your company, shoot us a note.

I’m thinking about a move into management in the next 6-12 months. Is this program for me?

We love the enthusiasm and the desire to get a jump on the learning curve. That said, Betterboss is really geared more for folks with active people management responsibilities. Over the three days, we focus a lot on the tools and systems you bring to build your own high-performing, high-trust teams. We also talk a lot about the pressures and trade offs of the management job. We find the program works best when you can attach the concepts to your real life, day-to-day work.

What if we’re coming from out of town?

We love that! We made a whole PDF just for you folks. Send a note to and we’ll get you all squared away.

What else should I know?

We’ve worked with thousands of leaders and if the room is too warm, you will all fall asleep. We set the temp a bit on the cool side. If you’re someone who trends chilly, you won’t be sad to have an extra layer (hoodie, sweater, hat, parka — your choice!) to ensure you’re comfortable.

Do you still do the secret code thing for nonprofits or RSG alum orgs?

Yep. Send us an email. We’ll hook you up.

Is Betterboss eligible for the Canada-Ontario Job Grant (COJG)?

All Raw Signal Group management training programs are eligible for the Canada Ontario Job Grant. If you are interested in learning more, get in touch. We can help connect you to providers who are familiar with our programs.

Can you talk about your approach to COVID specifically and germs in general?

Betterboss is an indoor event hosted by Raw Signal Group in Toronto. Our venue has 14ft ceilings and all that air volume is continually filtered by two Alen Breathesmart 75i purifiers. Our HVAC system uses MERV-13 filters, and is configured to constantly cycle in fresh air. We welcome you to mask throughout the event and will have CAN95 or similar masks available on-site, however we don't require attendees to mask.

If you are sick in the week leading up to the event, please let us know. We don’t offer refunds, but we can transfer your ticket to a friend or colleague who can attend in your place.

If you are sick at any point during the event, please go home. We’ll figure out a way to get you caught up on what you missed.

Melissa and Johnathan are the only trainers for Betterboss, and they are people too. If either Melissa or Johnathan is sick in the week leading up to the event, we may need to postpone the event. If we have to postpone, we’ll give you the option to either keep your registration for the new event, or receive a refund of your registration fee.

If Melissa or Johnathan get sick during the event, we will make a decision about the best approach based on time and content remaining in the program. This approach may include postponement of the remaining program, a switch to digital delivery, program delivery by only one RSG partner, or some other solution. Whatever we do, it will be excellent. Promise.